This educational app may help the students and job seekers who want to prepare their NTS jobs, PPSC Jobs, FPSC Jobs, SPSC Jobs, KPKPSC, CSS base jobs, or university admission entry tests.
We include all those subjects MCQs which are included in all NTS, PPSC, FPSC, SPSC, KPKPSC, and CSS base Jobs tests.
All in One app contains thousands of multiple-choice questions with answers. All the MCQs are taken from the previous NTS, PPSC, FPSC, SPSC, KPKPSC Jobs tests, and every topic of the particular subject.
Currently, the following subjects MCQs with answers are included in this app:
1. English
i. Prepositions
ii. Sentence Completion
iii. Direct and Indirect Speech
2. Computer Science
i. Fundamentals of Computer
ii. Microsoft Office
iii. Database and Management System
iv. Software Engineering
v. Network and Communication (Coming Soon...)
vi. Operating System (Coming Soon...)
vii. Data Structure & Algorithm (Coming Soon...)
viii. Compiler Theory (Coming Soon...)
3. Urdu
4. Islamic study
5. Current Affairs
6. General Knowledge
7. Pedagogy
8. Everyday Science
9. Mathematics (Coming Soon...)
10. Physics (Coming Soon...)
11. Chemistry (Coming Soon...)
12. Biology (Coming Soon...)
We update our app after adding new MCQs sets of particular subjects. Our aim is to include more subjects along with their MCQs in the near future.
The great part of our app is, you don't need to download and install individual apps for each subject. Hence our app provides you all subjects MCQs in one place.
This app is associated with our website which is the backbone of this app.
We make this app fully user friendly, fast-loading, easy navigation to different MCQs sets, neat and clean design, and much more...